Leveling the playing field for equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, & inclusive communities.

Work Autonomy
A Person-Centered Accommodation Tool

Asked about using the wA App, Eric said, "I like the app because I can do my job and the job coach can go away".
Work Autonomy provides higher levels of independence for people with disabilities in the work site by providing fluency in three areas that traditionally challenge successful competitive placements: person-generated communication with coworkers and supervisors regardless of linguistic or cognitive skill, tracking task analysis and work schedules independently, and allowing access to concrete information about work expectations, production and earnings.
The design is focused on the user with a disability to program and track concrete information about tasks. All or any of three sections can be turned on and programmed for use: Messages, Schedules, and Production. Each section allows for the capture and editing of content using video, photo, text and/or voice to meet the communication preferences and processing needs of the user.
Click to open the App Store
Click on all 6 clips to learn programming & editing tools.
Click to Download the User Guide