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Leveling the playing field for equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, & inclusive communities.
Able Opportunities, Inc. is committed to working alongside people with disabilities to level the playing field. Our focus is social justice, person-centered service, innovative person-driven accommodation, and commitment to continued growth and collaboration.

Able Opportunities, Inc. shares the values of the Developmental Disabilities Administration:
Power and Choice: making our own choices and directing our own lives.
Relationships: having people in our lives whom we love and care about and who love and care about us.
Status & Contribution: feeling good about ourselves and having others recognize us for what we contribute to others and our community.
Integration: being a part of our community, through active involvement. This means doing things we enjoy as well as new and interesting things.
Competence: learning to do things on our own or be supported to do things for ourselves.
Health & Safety: feeling safe and secure, and being healthy.
Innovative person-centered accommodations.
Meeting the bottom line of each business partner.
Accountability, continued reliable communication.
Lean Manufacturing focus.
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