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Able Opportunities has a reputation for exciting and transformative trainings.

Designed & customized for People with disAbilities, Families, Employers, Government Representatives, Case Managers, School Staff, Rehab Counselors, & Support Services Providers in Home, Community and Employment Settings.

Check out our ever-growing catalog of trainings!

Person Centered to Person Driven

We base much of our success on the relationships we build with customers, students, families, and employers. To stabilize services through transitions of service, turnover of providers and to natural supports in the workplace, we must strengthen a habit to build reference tools that elevate mastery and continuity for everyone. Join us to raise our person-centered strategies to person-driven strategies. You will gain perspective about alternative organizing tools, ways to teach to reference tools from the 1st instruction, reporting tools for all stakeholders, and employer engagement tools built to accommodate allies for internal discussion about hiring initiatives.

Nonverbal Communication Strategies

This is a two day, hands on training that addresses supporting the needs of people who are non-linguistic, experience modality loss (sight, hearing) or use minimal communication. You will participate in interactive exercises that will expand ideas and creativity to build relational communication tools and activities.. Participants will leave with a starter kit. The training will focus on:

  • Identifying formal and informal language and strategies.

  • Building communication systems.

  • Relationship and communication.

  • File cabinets of life experience/information.

  • Etiquette of communication modalities.

  • Exercises – building from scratch.

  • Sequential thinking — picture stories and toy sculptures.

  • Non-language sentences, concretizing abstract thought.

  • Blindfolded instruction projects.

  • Intro to sighted guide/exercise.

  • Tactile strategies and tangible symbols.

  • Tactile task analysis, teaching new skills — hand under hand.

  • Sequence boards and calendars.

  • Labeling strips and choice boards.

  • Switch operated activities.

  • Environments for independence.

  • Reinforcement systems for work.

Two Day training, 12 CEUs

Note: attendance required both days.

Communication and Autism

A context of mindful support using relational tools and techniques to expand beyond behavioral training. 

  • Limits of our Understanding.

  • Normalizing the human experience.

  • Relationship based communication.

  • The mind as a file cabinet.

  • Etiquette of approach - the vital 1st three minutes.

  • Sequential thinking, picture stories and toy sculptures.

  • Concretizing abstract thought.

  • Concise delivery, using tactile strategies/kinesthetic involvement.

  • Hand under hand teaching, the needs of the nervous system.

  • Building systems, high and low tech options.

  • Picture systems, object symbols, iPads, apps.

All day Training, 6 CEUs

Innovative School to Work Transition Tools

Building plans:

  • Standardizing school services to increase positive employer relationships.

  • Career development through hands-on work trials in competitive employment positions.

  • Self advocacy — understanding rights, appropriate accommodations and strategies to educate employers and coworkers.

  • Sample workplace training, supporting students to develop formalized worksite education.

  • Preparing families and students for adult service agencies.

  • Developing resumes (paper & video), cover letters, and references.

  • Successful competitive employment — using a business model to ensure long-term success.

  • Low/high tech accommodations in school & work environments.

  • Community partnerships that increase long-term success.

Business Model Tools

A unique approach to developing tools and techniques that address common challenges in the workplace. It is geared towards empowerment for the supported employment while engaging the second customer: the employer. This training strengthens a business-minded approach. 

  • Cost analysis as a job development tool.

  • Chart development and analysis to measure stamina, efficiency, and earnings.

  • Concrete visual charts to connect production to earnings.

  • Financial literacy to increase production rates.

  • Strengthening direct connection between employer and employee.

BRING: iPad loaded with the “Numbers” app or a Mac or PC laptop loaded with Numbers or Excel Spreadsheet software.

iPads and Apps

We offer training on iPad use tailored to beginner, intermediate or advanced users. 

  • Set up & Safety.

  • Increased fluency with the basics, tricks and tips.

  • Apps that support employment specialists and employees with disAbilities.

  • iMovie to create video resumes, customer files, and training.

  • Accommodating your customer to access screen technology.

  • Business savvy tools, using technology to increase professional skill and employer engagement.

  • Storing your work, HIPAA compliance.

  • Where to get the best support / further training.

All day training. Bring: iPad


Film made easy to build Video Resumes, Self Advocacy Film, training films, and more.

Advances in technology are allowing for better accommodations. With increased ease, people with disabilities can use pads and tablets to access their work, home and community settings. Advance your videography skills learning iMovie:

  • The basics of film making.

  • Laying out a storyboard.

  • Capturing techniques.

  • Adding captions, title pages, music and more. 

Bring: iPad or laptop loaded with iMovie & Notability

Compliance to Alliance

Review of company services, followed by strategic planning to incorporate new tools. 

We work in supportive roles in a field of social justice. Regular review and fine tuning are a necessary part of maintaining accessible and empowering service models and tools. Join us for enlightening exercises, active discussion and a facilitated review of attitudes, service strategies, accommodations and environments.

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